Sample Questions based on Truth and Confidentiality
- A formator comes to know from personal interviews that one of the novices has a sexual weakness.
- A doctor learns that one of his parents who has a venereal disease is about to marry. Can he or should he reveal this
- A person’s signature is urgently needed for a favorable deal. As the person is not available, is it alright for another person to imitate the signature for a good cause?
- A treasurer in a religious community is too demanding in asking for accounts. Can a religious then cook up some accounts to maintain peace?
- Ho far is a doctor bound to reveal to a person his dangerous condition? By whom and how is 6the the news that he is in imminent danger of death to be communicated to him?
- A husband is very suspicious and inquisitive, so for the sake of peace, can the wife give false answer to his enquiries?
- A superior reads all the letters of a sister and withhold some without informing her. She defends the practice by saying that it is for the good of the sister.
- Can a religious superior compel a member to undergo psychotherapy and demand a detailed report from the therapist regarding the progress of the treatment?
- Can a lawyer take up a criminal case knowing well that his client is guilty? Could he use false evidence to get an innocent client out?
- A rather poor man runs a printing press. He gets a good order for printing and false and scurrilous pamphlet. Could he execute it saying that he is only earning his living?
- A bus company doctor examines a man for the post of driver and finds his vision somewhat defective. Because he is poor and with the large family he does not report this. Is he justified?
- The doctor knows that a man committed suicide. However he gives the certificate of natural death so that the poor widow might get insurance money.
- I am the house doctor of seminary. I found that one of the seminarians has venereal disease the seminarian tells not to tell anyone about it could I tell it to the Rector.